My Approach


My Approach to Medicine

Fed-up with assembly-line style dermatology, I dreamed of opening my ideal clinic.  I took a deep breath and ultimately decided to go back to patient care as it was practiced during my residency training, when the mantra of “putting patients first” was the rule instead of the exception.


Therefore I have adopted a relationship-driven practice model rather than a production-driven practice.  Giving the best possible care to each patient.  I want to give concierge care without concierge fees.


I call it personalized dermatology care. 

Do you want a dermatologist who will spend more than 5 minutes with you? Do you want a dermatologist who believes that patients are not an interruption of their work, that they are the purpose for it? Do you want a dermatologist who believes that a patient is a person and not just a statistic?


Mill Valley Dermatology
655 Redwood Hwy Frontage Road, Suite 100
Mill Valley, CA 94941
Phone: 415-634-8411
Fax: 844-880-4434

Office Hours

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